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There are many ways in which you can volunteer at Pavilion.

 To enquire about a Trustee position email:

Walking the woods

As a charity we rely on Trustees to volunteer their time to over see the governance of our preschool as well as organise fundraising events and positively promote the preschool.


Trustees are a vital part of our childcare charity, with various roles available your skills and experience are welcomed to steer and govern this charity. Working with our constitution, the Early Years Alliance and The Charity Commission your input will make a real difference.


We encourage parents to help with the operations at preschool, as we are one large family working together to give a little back to this long established community charity.


We are often in need of a handy person to help fix and repair our building inside and out, or help in the garden or allotment. If you have a special interest, talent, career or skill we encourage you to share this with the children too.


You may also have a passion for childcare and early years and we welcome volunteers to help out during busy sessions.


All volunteers are required to hold suitable clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) inline with our Safeguarding  Policy. We provide an induction for all volunteers in order to fully brief them about the setting, our policies and procedures, curriculum and daily practice.

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